www.bit-tech.net/news/2005/05/25/ati_xbox_360_london/ATI revealed this afternoon that every single Xbox 360 game will be required to run at a minimum of 720p resolution with 4x Anti-Aliasing.
Speaking at a press conference in London, ATI technology specialist Rene Froeleke told journalists that Microsoft had specified that games must run at the 1280x720 resolution at 4xAA with no slowdown. Every single game will be supported at this graphical specification, which we think is great news for gamers playing on big-screen TVs.
When questionned as to why the minimum wasn't 1080p, Rene responded that most of Europe hadn't even reached 720, let alone 1080.
Because of the embedded DRAM architecture of Xbox 360, the AA was described as 'Absolutely free'.
ATI說 360遊戲"最少"一定都有720P 解析度同時開啟4XAA
但是看了戰爭機器的表現 我強烈懷疑ATI 一定漏講了什麼...
最後連有沒有開啟AA都不強求了...(HALO3 沒有AA)
www.anandtech.com/printarticle.aspxThe logic and embedded DRAM on the daughter die is what allows the Xbox 360 GPU to essentially offer "free" anti-aliasing, which Microsoft enforces through requiring developers to support a minimum of 2X AA in all Xbox 360 titles.
Although we were originally told back at E3 that all Xbox 360 titles would support 4X AA, it seems that the statement has since been revised to 2X or 4X AA.
We're not certain why the change was made, as 2X and 4X are both effectively "free" on the GPU, but there may be something we're missing.
還有人相信 360 gpu很猛 可以免費提供反鋸齒嗎?
news.mydrivers.com/1/115/115332.htm傳聞FAR CRY PS3版反鋸齒表現比360版優異
這或許未經證實 我不置可否
而聽說 KZ2達到4XMSAA...密境探險支援2XAA以上
而360目前表現看來 HDR格式不夠高階.....